Monday, September 10, 2012


Even though I’m not facilitating a class this year at our church, I want to support them in prayer and actions.  My first thought was ‘writing’ a weekly devotion to send to the group of facilitators and administrators; lifting them up to God in their sacrifice of service.
Since I use the little UPPER ROOM devotions for my own quiet times, why not jump from those Scripture references each week?  I can seek God’s architecting of what to share. 
September 10th’s reference is:
Romans 5:5  “God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.” 
Notice God makes the first step…he pours love into us…our hearts. 
As He pours, we must be listening.  Paying attention to the love and Who it is originating it. 
Once it has been poured, where do we store the love?  Is it put in the middle of the table, or emblazoned on our faces, emitting His love Spirit?

Do we read the Words of His love and quickly tuck them away in a drawer?  Do you think some may even  hide the love under layers of past hurts, entwined in the soured towels of selfishness.  (We know yeast takes over batter, and soured towels can’t become clean if left in the dark.)

Preparing our hearts to lead others in Bible Study is a blessing (and love sent from above) as long as we keep His Holy Spirit in the middle of the table and not in the drawer. 
He has a plan for the Bible-study seekers…we must allow Him to speak to their hearts.
Words which do not give the light of Christ increase the darkness.~ Mother Theresa
May His Spirit walk ahead of you this week, pouring His love into your hearts through His Word. 

Don't  tuck Him away,…have Him sit in the middle of each table.
How has He shown himself to you this week?