1. something I'll never forget about the age I am now: 55 and still alive! thankful for every year
2.A household chore I've never done: Change the heater/air conditioning filters
How have you managed that? Hubs has never asked me to do it. I DO know where/how though.
3. Nature shapes our personalities more than nurture? Inborn self is what it is but it certainly gets GREATLY tweaked along the way according to the amount and type of nurturing we receive/give.
4. Friday (February 28th) is 'Something on a Stick Day'...funny because Zoanna over at A Penchant for Pens recently sent me an idea for a question relating to this topic. My favorite food eaten on a stick is GRILLED/SKEWERED shrimp.
5. Which of your five senses do you treasure most, and why? Impossible to answer this one; am thankful for each one and hope to never lose any of them.
6. The best music, theatre, or sporting venue I've been to? In 1996 my husband was one of the volunteers for the Summer Olympics here in Atlanta; I got to attend the 'practice' opening ceremonies at the new stadium...'nuff said.
7. It's the last week of the month...in five words or less bid adieu to your February. February brought birthday snow, thanks!
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Hope this helps someone re-think their decisions regarding tattoos...
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."