Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Searching in His Word...

My life verse, Jeremiah 33:3, "Call to Me and I will answer you; and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know", guides me to THE 'hands on' way to find His answers, Hear His Voice, Immersing into Scripture away from the evil one..'HeWhoMustNotBeNamed'...who rules over the world.

This is a time I DO NOT want the world's perspective.

I yearn for Heavenly perspective.  A perfection given from "I AM", who created the universe.

Life is throwing INOBVIOUS ANSWERS, and I continue asking WHY while trying to comfort also-hurting younger adults.

Today anger creeps from usually happy corners of my mind and shock splashes back and forth, crunching my stomach.   There is no place for normal hunger while these pangs are rolling back, forth and around inside the core of my being.

Heartbrokenness isn't a comfortable pondering and it has become a close companion while poking and grabbing me; yes, shock's boots intermittently stomp said heart each time memories flash in and out of mind's eye.

Overwhelming sorrow has overtaken. Too many questions...fewer answers...and LOTS of sorrow among all who loved and still love.
Dear Jesus, Our Risen and Living Lord,
We are but human, You are Creator
Please guide us to Your Word, Your eternally living Words...
Fill our empty spaces...in, during and after this shock. 
Continue emblazing Your Word of Truth into our numbness
In Your crying over Lazarus, Your compassion for Your people was shared; 
so I believe You are crying with us
Continue interceding to Our Holy, Loving Father on our behalf.
Amen & Amen
Let It Be So & Let It Be So

John 8:31
"If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."