Pondering His leading me to His Cross.
Approaching Golgatha...
Are my words & actions marked by humility?
Are my actions during Lent honoring Christ for His sacrifices...
or boasting in my actions for self purposes?
Galatians 5 says "One can thus find in Christ strength and comfort against all vice and bad habits. And they are called true Christians who incorporate the life and name of Christ into their own life."
Let none of us boast...
Martin Luther understood and said:
Christ's Passion must be dealt with not in words and a show, but in our lives and in truth. — reading NIV.
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."
Approaching Golgatha...
Are my words & actions marked by humility?
Are my actions during Lent honoring Christ for His sacrifices...
or boasting in my actions for self purposes?
Galatians 5 says "One can thus find in Christ strength and comfort against all vice and bad habits. And they are called true Christians who incorporate the life and name of Christ into their own life."
Let none of us boast...
Martin Luther understood and said:
Christ's Passion must be dealt with not in words and a show, but in our lives and in truth. — reading NIV.
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."