Outside My Window...
...butterflies enjoying my "butterfly" bush with its bright purple cones hanging there for the world's enjoyment. Their buddies, the bees, are there, too! They're all so busy, gathering their nectar, or pollen--I wonder how far they have to fly before they will make it home to rest?
I am thinking...
on sentimental things in my mind yet will be keeping myself busy throughout the day with chores and packing for my quick trip downtown tomorrow.
I am thankful for...
wonderful volunteer counselors escorting our Youth choir to their summer tour in Florida, enduring the constant movement, giddyness of teens, and heat of the central Florida flatlands--it's going to be VERY hot while they are there enjoying "the Mouse" and singing at the nursing homes.
From the kitchen...
7-grain wheat toast with pineapple cream cheese and coffee. Haven't decided about lunch yet...probably leftovers from yesterday's lunch at O'Charley's...yum!
I am wearing...
a cotton, black and white buttoned-front blouse with white shorts, barefooted and getting ready to put on my PLATEX gloves for that "cleaning couture" look!
I am creating...
some room in my guest-room closet--Mother needs room to hang her clothes upon her arrival in the next few days...oooooh, where to put the many out-of-season clothes in the meantime?.
I am going...
later today to get a pedicure on my tootsies so I can lay in the bed and admire them later in the week. Little things go a long way!
I am reading...
blogs written on the "Simple Woman's" blog...love it!
I am hoping...
my newest members, two trumpet bushes, getting ready to be planted in my front-yard island...will acclimate well and not pass away in the Southern HEAT...sweltering humidity, suposed to top off around 97 today.
my newest members, two trumpet bushes, getting ready to be planted in my front-yard island...will acclimate well and not pass away in the Southern HEAT...sweltering humidity, suposed to top off around 97 today.
I am hearing...
the phone ringing...calls for various things--church planning for youth food, wishes for the next several days, time share opportunities (this was a short call, I really don't like marketing calls). Oooohhh, just heard some mocking birds in the backyard, they were kind enough to chime in and take my mind off the telephone calls!
Around the house...
many chores are needed today, laundry being put away, picking up the kitchen, mopping the floors downstairs, cleaning all the bathrooms, changing the bed sheets. Napping in between the bathrooms and bedsheets!
many chores are needed today, laundry being put away, picking up the kitchen, mopping the floors downstairs, cleaning all the bathrooms, changing the bed sheets. Napping in between the bathrooms and bedsheets!
One of my favorite things...
listening to our Youth choir sing and praise our Lord...their concert last night was so well done. They sang old, new, calm, and jazzy. I know their audiences later this week will love to hear them and watch them as they smile and sing during each concert.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
The picture I am sharing...
is from my butterfly bush as it hosts a butterfly (who didn't smile for my camera and even turned away just as I took the pic) so it looks like a sliver of orange ...i'll try to get another shot later today maybe...
If you'd like to do this activity...
Here's the link to the Simple Woman's main page. http://thesimplewoman.blogspot.com/
If you'd like to do this activity...
Here's the link to the Simple Woman's main page. http://thesimplewoman.blogspot.com/