@ 9:15am ...when I woke today
@ 9:45am ...poured my only cup of joe and flavored it with MOUNDS coffee creamer for some coconut goodness
@10:30am...ate some breakfast...while I knitted more on my 'lace' shawl, my first 'lacey' thing...it's been strange getting used to the 'looseness' of this piece, but the fibers are wonderfully soft cotton. Believe I'm going to enjoy wearing this one to an upcoming wedding.
@11:55am ... watched a woman and her daughter win over $76,000 of prizes on PriceIsRight...wonder how many of their players actually go home with all their prizes (after they've paid all the taxes due)...have you ever heard?...will have to look it up sometime
@ 1:00pm ... finally sat down and transcribed my notes from Sunday School from the last two weeks...I'm sure the class will appreciate my getting off my duff and getting them done (so they'll have prayer concerns, etc., and get to study the Scriptures we covered
@ 2:30pm ... made a trip to 'TAR JAY'...hahaha...to get wedding showers gift, wrapping tissue, bags, cards...and a few things for the household cupboard.
@5:00pm ... handed off wrapping to the CollegeGirl and started pondering dinner...believe tonight will be seafood (pankow shrimp, fish fillets, broccoli/cheese, and tater tots) ... all going in the oven
WHAT FRAGMENTS did you have this Friday?
John 8:31
"If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."