as a youth counselor we had wonderful large gatherings of youth in
our home....
(just to clarify: I couldn't see into the future--the timestamp on the camera was WAY off)
life was changing and transitioning as I left youth leadership with many tears in my eyes, a drape over my heart but my season was over for participating in that way.
(I had no clue at that point just how difficult my next couple of years would be...and that's a good thing)
I was new to blogging...and jumping around participating in 'memes' for the first time. Leaving comments and receiving comments from many people I did not know at that time. One of the first 'new friends' came into my world through SECOND CUP OF COFFEE's "I See What You're Saying" meme. In response to my post that September day,
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

as a youth counselor we had wonderful large gatherings of youth in
our home....
(just to clarify: I couldn't see into the future--the timestamp on the camera was WAY off)
life was changing and transitioning as I left youth leadership with many tears in my eyes, a drape over my heart but my season was over for participating in that way.
(I had no clue at that point just how difficult my next couple of years would be...and that's a good thing)
I was new to blogging...and jumping around participating in 'memes' for the first time. Leaving comments and receiving comments from many people I did not know at that time. One of the first 'new friends' came into my world through SECOND CUP OF COFFEE's "I See What You're Saying" meme. In response to my post that September day,
Kim said...So nice to "meet" you. My quiet place was the recliner in the living room at the parsonage. Then we began the pilgrimage that brought us here and I'm thinking my new quiet place will also be in the living room, but in my new Poang chair from IKEA since I couldn't bring the recliner.
Like you (and so many of the other commenters) say, blogging is such a huge blessing. Not only a way to keep in touch with loved ones far, far away, but a way to make new friends.Instead of 'Back-in-the-day', THIS PAST WEEKEND, life changed in an 'oh so sweet' way. "Be Still and Know" & I had the pleasure of getting to meet, hug, laugh, sing, praise, worship and reminisce with JUST A SOUTHERN GIRL's Kim.
Hi new friend! I'll be back to your blog.
There just wasn't enough time ya'll. What fun we all had meeting, catching up and planning for our next visit (probably in 2016).
God blesses in so many unexpected ways, and we are thankful.