My own version of the Simple Woman's Daybook for today:
Outside my's dark, 'cause I'm so late getting my post done today.
I am thinking...JUNE starts tomorrow...JUNE! Where did May go so quickly, and why was she in such a hurry to scurry away from me?
I am thankful sister getting a good report from some tests she had earlier this week due to pain in her legs. Now, on to the test round of testing.
From the kitchen...there were leftovers served tonight since I was busy babysitting this afternoon...thank goodness I had some 'easy to thaw' entrees in the freezer and several side dishes already prepared.
I am creating...a crocheted newborn outfit for a friend who is expecting in July...a little girl, to be exact. So eager to see and meet her.
I am reading...nothing...having a hard time getting my reading mojo going these days.
Around the house...are bags of yarn I need to consolidate into the containers I purchased to go under the guest bed.
I am reading...nothing...having a hard time getting my reading mojo going these days.
Around the house...are bags of yarn I need to consolidate into the containers I purchased to go under the guest bed.
On my MP3 player this week...GOD IS IN CONTROL...don't remember the singer.
One of my favorite things: Peach refreshing during these hot May/soon-to-be-June days.
One of my least favorite waking in the middle of the night to go potty, returning to bed and realizing my legs are hurting and now I can't go back to sleep, uuuuuuuggggghhhh!
A Simple Grace Note: a fan blowing the air conditioning into my direction
My simple devotion:
As much as David was a sinner, God was a forgiver, so David threw himself on God’s mercy. And that’s what God gave him—not begrudging forgiveness, but lavish cleansing. If you think you’re beyond forgiveness, or if you’re trying to earn your way back to God, take a lesson from David. Throw yourself on God’s grace. He will forgive. Psalm 51 (Women's Daily Devotional, NIV, Bible Gateway)
A Picture to Share: Babysat my great niece and nephew today...did we have any fun?? You decide..