Decided to participate in something to lift my spirits,
my body is fighting feeling miserable...
as I sniff, cough, and blow...
1. WARM, FUZZIE SLIPPERS...keeping my toes toasty as I endure this bug that has jumped into me totally causing the histamines in my body to go crazy...just where in the world does all this stuff come from in my head??
She was making treats for Honors Latin Club this weekend ....their school is hosting Certamen, pronounced (kur TAU men)...Latin for "competition"...topics ranging from the minutiae of Latin grammar/ vocabulary, Latin-based etymology, Roman history/culture, and classical mythology.
Did you get that?? I was a music geek in high school...needless to say, this is TOTALLY over my head...i can't imagine being in a 3rd year of Latin but she's enjoying participating in this classic organization.
My ham bone had been frozen, so after quickly thawing it, I added in my other frozen item, my "stock bag"! I keep a "zipper freezer bag" where I've tossed EVERY leftover vegetable that is not enough to feed the whole family at a future meal...When the bag becomes FULL, it becomes the base of my soup. (This is something my GRANNY always did...she lived through the depression and NEVER through ANYTHING away. ) After adding some spices and a can of chicken broth, this soup was ready to go...hard to beat it!
4. FINISHING A PRAYER BLANKET...I added fringe to my crocheted prayer blanket, so it's ready to take to the prayer blanket ministry.
We crochet once a week as a group, pray over finished blankets, teach each other new stitches, and enjoy each other's company. If you don't know how to crochet or knit, we'll teach you...and it's fun to know you're helping someone stay warm while enduring chemotherapy or warming up with the Holy Spirit that comes with each blanket!
5. Echinacea Complete Care tea--I so enjoy sweetening i
t with my Manuka Honey adding a dash of cream and then slowly sipping it...letting the steam rise up onto my face...one of those wonderful moments when the rest of your body is curled up under a flannel blanket. I'm eager for it to shorten my cold, reduce my symptoms and help boost my immune system that seems to be so "out of whack".
So, those were my favorite five today...what are yours??
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