Two weeks ago
I got to go shopping with her...and my sister. His miracles are abundant in her ... I love watching her run, jump and dance!
God has so blessed us with her bright, dancing eyes...she loves to look at EVERYTHING
Many prayers have been and continue being said for her continued strengthening and endurance during her surgeries to come...
God has so blessed us with her unending giggles...and her sweet little words that are beginning to form. She can now say "bye", "cat", "ho ho ho", mama, and daddy
She climbs up on the doctor's exam table and tries to help put on the EKG wires...
she helps remove her blood pressure cuff. Even in the midst of her exams, she smiles at everyone she sees
...many people don't know what all she has been through in these last 24 months, but we do; and HE does
We are so grateful we have her,
grateful for the doctors and nurses, they sustained her...cared for her while in and out of the hospital,
so grateful for family that cares for her, her Mommy and her Daddy,
grateful for modern medicines' miracles and