Lord, wash your grace and peace over us as we try to understand.
We pray our leaders...
will be infused with Your concerns, with Your guidance...
show them Your perspective down to the very depth of their souls.
For those who don't feel they need You,
remind them in Your own special way that Yours IS the ONLY way.
Your promises are never-failing
and we rest on them and will continue to read them, post them in our homes,
carry them in our hearts.
You are our rock,
our cornerstone, the ONE who was before, is and will be FOREVER.
We are merely "passing through" and our lives are but a puff.
May our country become more committed to kneeling
before you daily with humble hearts seeking Your input in any and all situations for the day.
Yesterday is gone,
today has enough worries of its own, and we have absolutely nothing to do with whether or not we will see a tomorrow.
Thank you for giving us Your Word,
Your Son, Your grace, for it is what YOU give us and we are undeserving...
thank you for wanting relationship with us.
Guide us, remind us to spend time with you daily,
we want to see You at work in our lives
and be able to endure any desert sent our way.
In Jesus Christ's Holy and Precious Name,
AMEN and Let It be So