1st: I am linking up with Flowers for Leontien today:

Throughtout the day, I've been missing my CollegeGirl, one of those deep 'mommy longings'...wanting to once again cuddle her in my lap. My longing has been building from a week-ago Friday when she had some disappointing news about her next semester...something not in her 'plan'.
Her Daddy and I have been pondering and praying over the change and rely on God fulfilling His promises of wanting the BEST for her.
Psalm 31:19 How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you, that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you.
This evening as I was really feeling the hole of her absence, while making dinner. Then, He brought an answered prayer... the phone rang and it was her laughing on the other end.
check...she's had a return of some JOY.
Talking quickly and excitedly she told me she's just a few feet away from Nick Saban...
check...she's been wanting to run into him on campus
...yet she couldn't get a pic...being on the phone with me, haha...noooo....:(
(that was me)
Coach was going into the celebration for the ladies' gymnastics team, WHO WON NCAA Nationals! yeahh!!! (being a past gymnast, I had wanted to go to the competition here in Atlanta last weekend, but forgot ;( (that was me again)
She continued on updating me...her roomie made it through auditions and will be on 'flag corps' for the Million Dollar Band again :)
check...more JOY! They're off to celebrate after changing clothes.
There was even MORE joy about another subject, but maybe I'll get to let you in on that later...too soon right now to elaborate.
God is so attentive ... and I'm very thankful He heard this Mama today.
It was just like she had crawled up in my lap. I feel better now. Thank you, Jesus!
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."