JOINING SARA…and the group for week ‘fourteen’…
3/31/2012 – CollegeGirl, her roomie and one of her nursing friends drove home to celebrate Skoot’s 20th birthday, and we enjoyed every minute.
In that it’s Easter week, I have to ‘re-post’ one of my favorite pics of ALL time…from when she was four and we were making ‘Easter bunny muffins’ that Grammy had sent in a large box. She was a little excited to open the oven
**CLICK THE PICS for a LARGER view**
I made a double-chocolate cake that we all chowed down on after some wonderfully-smoked bbq chicken…then we played a game of PHASE 10…I miss the teenage laughter that comes with young people
3/31/12 – we took the girls to the ZOO…and to say they enjoyed it is an UNDERstatement…they really did have a fun time. They’re coming back so they can feed the animals the next time. Let’s call her “GingerA”…she absolutely LOVED the goats.
I took this shot on Sunday before they piled in the car to return to school.
4/4/12 – After my SweetHomeAlabamaGirls left, I got busy and finished the baby dress … only one more piece to go in the set…a little shrug.
4-6-12 – Not having anyone at home to slather in my normal Easter treats, I decided to make a batch of peanut butter shortbreads to give to my SmallGroupGirls (for coffee dunking). Next time I’ll use a little more brown sugar…they’re good but not quite sweet enough for my taste.
4/7/12 – Yardwork was in order…and what a beautiful day it was…in the 60s with a slight breeze. I had to trim back my roses, so the little cuttings I brought in to wait on their blooming.
Later that evening I stoked up the BigGreenEgg again and did another batch of grilled chicken and corn. (the best leftovers EVER!)
4/8/12 – We gathered with friends after church and drove about 20 minutes down the highway to enjoy Easter Dinner at Pappadeaux’s…we LOVE seafood and cajun food…some of the best!
BS&K’s family joined us out on the veranda before heading into the restaurant where crawfish, shrimp, fried soft-shell crab, and stuffed crab were enjoyed with some great sweet tea.
Happy Easter, everyone!
He is Risen and still answering our prayers!