Cindy over at Letters from Midlife is having a greeting card giveaway...go check it out...

(apologies for not being able to provide a devotion for week 3)
While presenting the Bible in a study environment, sometimes participants remember time spent in previous learning situations, such as college, high school or Sunday School. It is not uncommon for someone to ask, “Do you want my ‘Sunday School answer’ or my feelings?
Bible studies may have times when feelings outnumber certain facts that should have been gleaned during home study. Yes, it is important to understand the context of particular passages. But many times there are nudgings of individuals’ consciences by the Holy Spirit that should be shared.
Sharing these ‘glistenings of understanding’ or ‘redirections of conscience’ help build the relationships between the class members and the facilitator. Each facilitator works to make the learning easier for their classmates, and should remind self and their class of their being a ‘learner among learners’.
Listen for God’s Counselor…
He will sharpen your ear to hear and teach you when to share during your class as well as help manage your time.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.