1. Lent...will you be giving something up: NOPE
…or adding anything to your life during this season of the year: Yes, working to put early-morning study in place of my current hap-hazard moments. GOD IS CALLING…my latest devotion
2. Shrove/FAT Tuesday...is my birthday this year…no pancakes though. How do you like your pancakes? I prefer waffles
I’m with Joyce…real maple syrup and a side of crispy bacon is my favorite.
3. One love song you really love?
...loved the entire BOND soundtrack from that movie…and it has stuck with me for years…love Carly Simon.
4. Things you do to let others know you love them: I tell them I love them…I cook for them…I write them notes.
I buy unexpected little gifts throughout the year reminding me of them.
5. Roses...red, pink, or some other color? Salmon or yellow are my favs
Given a choice would you like to receive a dozen red roses, a dozen purple tulips, or a dozen pink peonies? PURPLE tulips are right up my alley
6. Does Presidential history and trivia interest you? the topic used to interest me but not since 2009
Many Presidential homes are open to the public offering guided tours.: Monticello, Mount Vernon, Montpelier, Hyde Park and The White House..
Which would you be most interested in touring? Why?
I visited Mount Vernon in 1987…beautifully kept…gorgeous surroundings…highly recommend it. Would like to one day visit Monticello to see Jefferson’s ingeniousness in his home.
7. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yes.
8. Insert your own random thought: FAT TUESDAY/ABE LINCOLN’s AND MY BIRTHDAY…was also “White and Green” tag colors (50%-off the ticket prices) at one of my 'thrift' joints.
My gift to myself was to spend some time shopping…sliding through many clothes-hanger racks, I successfully chose several white/green tagged items. I was very eager to get home to these:
…because I wanted to cut off all of these:
They're much cheaper ON thrift clothes than buying them on sale from the fabric store...especially bigger ones...mucho expensive. I have seen this size button for $5-$6 a card (with 6 buttons)
The below metal leaf buttons are tiny...and they're my favorites of the day.
I'm eager to decide what to sew them onto later...I like to add buttons as decorations on knitted or crocheted projects...I think they are adorable.
The blouse the above beads and buttons were from was $3.00 (actually $1.50)...and I get to use the buttons on a project but the beads are going to be a NECKLACE...booyah! SCORE!
My best button DEAL was on a safari-type jacket...it had TONS of buttons for $3.00 ($1.50 on sale)...17 buttons...3 different sizes..LOVE it!!
I paid $13 for ALL these buttons...
What do you do with buttons?
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."