linking up with Five Minute Friday…
After receiving her prompt, write for five minutes … no editing.
Post whatever you have.
Today's prompt -REST
My devotion today was written by Dietrick Bonhoeffer…
He was discussing the importance of ‘intercessory prayer’ and he related our going to Jesus in prayer…imagining ourselves carrying a friend we are having difficulty with, to lay at the foot of the cross.
Poor humans all needing healing…and then being re-born through Christ’s blood having covered us ALL…small and big sins.
His words make me envision being on my knees and having a heart-to-heart with our Lord to lay out my concerns seeking REST in His providence:
"Lord, I can’t deal with this person…they won’t listen…they hurt my feelings…they won’t turn to you when I want them to listen to You.”
“You know what it was when people didn’t listen…when they beat you and crucified you…when they betrayed you and then killed you…yet You forgave them, didn’t you as you asked God to forgive us in our ignorance?!”
My 5 minutes is up…and there’s ‘more confessing and praying needing to be done, so I’ll finish here and ponder the Lord’s answers for me.
Thanks, Mr. B, I needed to be reminded.
Where is your REST today?
"...confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective."Where is your REST today?
James 5:15-16