a "Good Green Get"...
in thrifter slang, that is.
Do you like to go 'sight seeing' in second-hand shops or thrift stores?
I've become familiar with many different shops in our area and now know their 'special days' or 'colors-of-the-day' for 25-, 50- or 75%-off deals.
This week's finds didn't disappoint my hopes for another good deal. These were 1/2 priced and I KNEW right where they were going to sit once they were washed and dried.
What do you think I paid for these two tall vases?
![]() |
Each measures 14" |
They now flank the above-fireplace painting and I think they really help 'lead you into' the trail to see what's in the picture.
(my cost answer is in my comments below)
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."