Today starts a
weekend full of book signing events and parties to celebrate a new book...
and they're giving two chances to win a book.
One winner will be
chosen on their website to win a Celebrations book and one winner will be chosen on
their Facebook page.
Mennonite Girls Can Cook "Celebrations"
Life is a gift from God, so why not celebrate?
The bestselling authors of Mennonite Girls Can Cook return with a second course in their new Celebrations cookbook. From mouthwatering mini-muffins and succulent soufflé to campers' stew and lattice-topped grilled apples, the Mennonite Girls share recipes to honor all of life.Filled from cover to cover with devotional reflections, personal stories, and beautiful photos, this book contains much more than recipes—it will soon become your kitchen companion for life's celebrations.
John 8:31
"If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."