Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009

“A smile is worth a million intentions”.
I pondered the above quote...deeply it sank into my head while driving home from my aunt and uncle's 60th wedding anniversary last March...
Previously that afternoon probably 20 or more strangers were greeting the family...several people I had known as a child but didn’t recognize their faces due to time and gravity. The one thing remaining...their smiles….I recognized their smiles in their eyes.
Now 80-something...His eyes were bright yet vacant…his eyes were not the same. What remained from my childhood years, though, was his smile. God gave him the strength that day to be with their visitors while concentrating on their faces, trying to pull up any recognition.
He......loved children
...would take us outside to ride motorcycles
...played with the dogs while teaching us to skip rocks over the lake.
...built a get-away cabin in the woods for hunting, fishing and cooking outdoors
... loved his dogs, Yssup (a larger boxer who could eat you--but he was very gentle
...enjoyed his hand-cleared property--pasture, lake...he loved to walk the perimeter.
...refurbished musical instruments--I still play the flute he refinished for me.
...loved going to Waffle House, having coffee with his old “Southern Bell” buddies.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
*please bear with me...this is a little long, but has a good lesson at the end :)...
DD had come home from school today and was in the process of dressing for her "end-of-semester, in-front-of-the-multi-school professors' internship presentation" where she will verbalize her semester accomplishments/activities.
While DD was ready'ing herself, 'Derbs' came over with, of all things...thank you, Jesus,... BUCKEYES...as part of her spreading Christmas cheer!
(The above picture is from a musical they were in last year)
Her buckeyes were wonderfully peanutty goodness surrounded in milk chocolate...(Lids, I feel your pain...I want MORE!)
Having nibbled on my ONE buckeye wanting to say "give me that entire bag did I mention I NEEDED more? But obediently I turned away from the plastic bag Derbs was holding, sweetly tempting me with the richly, calorie-blessed balls of pleasure. Yes, I forced myself to turn away and return to my dryer of warm clothes calling to be put into each closet.
This one chore sits now among others on my very-full Christmas list:
- dish putting-away & dirty dishes going in dishwasher
- changing bed sheets
- finalizing photo picture-card order
- tree decorating
- gift wrapping
- Disciple3 lesson class-plan tweaking
- gift shopping (before 12/18 parties)
After completing one chore, the others were like little sugar plums dancing across my mind...and while reaching into the pantry to throw together a quick-salad lunch...IT HAPPENED...
A BRAIN OVER-RUN ... one over-run with holiday plans
My little synapses were working too hard, I guess...SOMETHING occurring in the depths of my cerebellum unable to endure overload...My hormone-replacement deprived body DEVOURed normal motor skills...they became lackluster.
Rather than placing the handful of small sesame seeds in my lettuce bowl, I DROPPED THE ENTIRE fist full on my kitchen floor.
Can you picture it? Their clicking and bouncing like caffeine-high mexican jumping bean...up and down...sounding like a small waterfall spraying around, across, under, and in every corner of my previously-swept kitchen floor.
Just as they finally settled from their 'happy dance' across my floor, "Derbs" came around the corner (with plastic bag of buckeyes in hand) on her way to her next destination.
{Now, prior to her going upstairs to see DD I had decided I was GOING to tackle her as she was heading out the backdoor and send her on her way without that entire bag ask for another buckeye...} Two wouldn't have been too bad, would it??
"Stop ya'll...just tiptoe around the seeds so they don't get in your car and smushed on my floor!"...no, really so she wouldn't go flying across my floor unexpectedly...then she was out the door and gone...
before I REMEMBERED my wanting ANOTHER buckeye! aaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh! (a quick pirate-moment ensued) :\ sorry....
Oh, well, sometimes I'm protected from myself...even when I don't want to be protected.
When in the midst of getting many things done, what kind of messes have you made...or when did you realize protection even when you caused a mess?
1 Thess. 1:6 "...you welcomed the message with joy given by the Holy Spirit."
Saturday, December 5, 2009

- Singing praise songs with my hands...AmericanSignLanguage
- Sipping hot coffee while in my flannel housecoat while reading your posts
- Seeing the scales go DOWN anytime
- Hearing his moans & watching hubby's face in delight while I'm scratching his back
- Hearing teenagers talk about...their inner-most feelings & their love of Jesus

Thursday, December 3, 2009