April and May are infamous for their "end-of-year" activities...recitals, performance festivals, large group competitions, etc. So, this week Linda has asked us to participate answering these:
Did you take lessons as a child? Piano or another instrument?
My parents didn't go in for expensive, formal lessons but I was fortunate to enjoy piano beginning in second grade up through seventh grade...one of our local church pianists had classes and my mother would take me to her house for my 30-minute class in her 'closed in garage'.
In fifth grade, I started playing the trumpet in our school band, which met twice I week, I believe (funny how I don't remember specifically what days...I do believe they were after school because our band director taught at multiple schools and we 'shared' her. I was excited with my progress...which was probably enhanced by my piano lessons...I made honor band each year through 7th grade. Honor Band was fun because we got turquoise "vests" and new formal, long-sleeve shirts ... we LOOKED SHARP!, which is much better than 'flat', hahahaha...bad, I know.
After we got over our "bad" selves in our 'uniforms', we had to calm down and perform with the other school honor students in two concerts at local malls and various large-group festivals and competitions. Those days of 'public' performance gave me such motivation to continually improve which carried on into high school.
Gymnastics or dance?
Gymnastics was a large part of my life for many years, especially from toddlerhood into high school...we learned some dance routines on my high school team but I didn't take any formal dance classes.
Other types of lessons?
After second and third grades, I took "baton" twice-a-week for 6 weeks each summer at the local recreation center...learning two routines and finishing with a performance for our parents.
I ALWAYS wanted to be a majorette...it was going to be my career, don'cha know??
How much were you required to practice between lessons?
Mom stayed on me pretty good about my 'piano'...I would comply but became disgruntled quickly when my fingers wouldn't DO what I wanted them to do. It took me a while to get patient with myself to know it took LOTS of time getting those ten little things to retain their 'motor memory' while playing the songs.
My trumpet wasn't pushed as much by my Mom...and I know she wanted me to be successful playing my horn, but she didn't prod me as much. (Now that I've had a child of my own, I can understand her 'lack of enthusiasm' for my horn...which many times, especially in my first two years, my command of the cornet sounded like an injured dying cow...I don't blame her for 'protecting' her ears and protecting the family from receiving threatening phone calls from local neighbors.
Did you participate in recitals? If so, do any of them stand out in your memory?
More recitals and performances than I can count...go here for my most embarrassing moment performing a half-time show my senior year...and Liddie, I found a picture and downloaded it.
Did they foster a love or a hate for that activity?
LOVED performing :)
Did you want to take lessons in a certain thing that you never got to?
flute and guitar...had to teach myself how to play it...so, I'm not very good
And if you have kids now, how did your experiences with taking lessons like these impact the activities you had/have them do?
I've always encouraged DD to do her best by being punctual to her extra practices and performances knowing how important they are for your success during performance. She never enjoyed playing an instrument but she loves to sing!
Jer. 33:3
"Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."