Goodness knows, our treasures are our children, the costs of our children, the costs of college, for sure. so, i guess i will have 'new value' when she heads off to her college of choice.
The 'beginning' of her high-school-ending journey begins with tonight's 'honors program' at one of our larger church sanctuaries.
She'll be receiving her HONORS letter and 'stole' to wear with her green cap and gown. This little strand of woven goodness has come with MUCH EFFORT in completing her College Prep curriculum: NIGHTS WITH LESS SLEEP, EXTRA SESSIONS WITH TEACHERS and STUDY SESSIONS AT THE LIBRARY. She's accomplished 5 accelerated (college-level) classes in her senior year AND worked as an intern in our county's internship program with a 'physical therapy practice'.
Her maintaining an A-average and becoming our HONOR GRADUATE is a BIG thankful today...we are excited to celebrate with her. (Her Nana and Pops will be arriving later today to be with us during this less-hectic event...graduation in a 25-000 seat arena is a little much for 'more seasoned' grand parents with less tolerable knees).
She's also exempt from ALL final exams...which opens her up to take each subject-specific AP test (graded by the College Board). Her passing these would capture those credits for college and may exempt her from many of the college freshmen classes at her university.
Our Lord has walked with her through all of these accomplishments and we are so THANKFUL and JOYFUL! JOIN GREG WITH A 'THANKFUL THURSDAY' POST.
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."