Monday, April 12, 2010

THREE OR MORE TUESDAY & some giveaway links...

MY THREE...are all in one picture this week
MY THREE...are not MY three at all
MY THREE...are all the same pattern but very different because of their color combinations
MY daughter's creations (while I was driving to/from Nana's house) yesterday.
MY THREE...what do you think of them? (click for a REALLY LARGE view)

Following are two neat giveaways...if you want to play along :) The first: PAY IT FORWARD...A giveaway at The Point,
She's blessing another like Elaine blessed her, so go to her site and see pictures of the items receivable if you are the winner of her pay-it-forward giveaway (up until April 18th). (ssssssshhhhhhh...there will also be a few surprises added into the package you receive.) AND secondly: ...THE BIGGY! SPRING FLING...sorry, i can't get my links to can find each of the sites by typing them into your browser...

p.s.  if you're having a hard time leaving a comment, would you be kind enough to send me an email...i may have been hacked, and if so i need to start having blogger help me with this.  thanks!  just drop me a note to: