Friday, February 4, 2011



I read Joyce @ THIS SIDE OF THE POND where she was  pondering 'words with kids'.   I wrote:
We still eat "PISKETTI" in our house instead of spaghetti.   
Babygirl always referred to the Chinese restaurant as 'the fish store' because of their colorful, saltwater aquarium...

I can still hear her begging Daddy to 'do gin', 'do gin'...after tossing her in the air or letting her climb up his legs and flip over.

Then, while reading SASSY GRANNY, she was discussing RABBIT TRAILS ...
I enjoyed leaving this:   Our accountability/prayer group likes the rabbit trails God takes us on in Scripture. We dig in to get an answer, or discernment, and He leads us to something more vivid at that moment; before we know it, we've pondered multiples scriptures all speaking to the same thing but giving us an answer to an entirely different need sought yet we had not asked (but God's opinion was we DID need to see it at His specific time)...His creativity is our compass ;)

Looked over @ Flutterby Chronicles and left my note saying: 
I'm folding my whites at this very moment...i always spill the 'splashless' bleach, and it still manages to splash on me...I've adopted the habit of continuing to load the dryer without picking up the socks/underwear as they miss the dryer entrance and land on the floor...i always drop many, so I've learned to completely load the dryer and then pick up the stack of dropped pieces

What comments have you 'left' at someone else's blog that you'd like to 'highlight' on your blog so the memory is not lost?
