our miracle-baby, K, is now 5 years old and her last heart surgery was two years ago. It's so wonderful to see how well she has been thriving. We continually prayer for her continued good health and the God-led actions of her surgeons and specialists.
The following is a picture of their visit to the aquarium recently...I just wonder if one of those really large hammerhead sharks was swimming past as this picture was made.

Little brother, R, is now 9 months old and recently had to have his first hair cut...K said 'that was silly'.

These two have wonderful times playing together...and, K, still enjoys 'stealing the show' whenever she hears music and knows there's a crowd. Here she is helping Elvis at one of their town gatherings; and yes, she had a good crowd...and she even gets a dance partner close to the end of the video...(it's a 2min5sec video).
What a blessing to see their family enjoying one another as these two grow bigger and bigger. :)
John 8:31
"If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."