Woke to BRIGHT sunshine this morning…
even though it was bright outside, the warmth of the bed held me for a few extra minutes…
today will be a better day because the Lord renewed some of my spirit through our small group prayers last evening…it had previously been torn up and sleep has been fruitless
yesterday’s doctor visit was short and to the point but I was able to get my flu shot…
Even though I knew the importance of my acquiescing and letting doc’s nurse puncture me with the syringe of vaccine, today I feel LOUSY…and that little booger stung like a hornet as it was being administered…torn up #2
Praying this little bit of LOUSY will deter my getting the REALLY HORRIBLENESS of this year’s FLU BUG
While waiting for my ‘glADVIL’ to take effect on the LOUSIES, I sat still long enough to finish a small prayer shawl out of some leftovers the church gave me last week…I’ll post a pic with Proj365
Have heard through the grapevine…grapevines are good things sometimes…my girl’s coming home for Thanksgiving and she’s bringing one of her new girl friends from Wesley…I’m still debating if I’ll make the celebration larger with grandparents or just keeping it smaller…hmmmmm?
My fresh granny apple pie was tasty; next time I’ll reduce the sugar though…a little too sweet for me and hubs…I used my newly purchased ‘thriftly-Pampered Chef” corer/peeler/slicer and it saved me TONS of time…not bad for $4 (brand new those gadgets go for around $38…
I love thrifting; and now I love watching that gadget do its thing coring, slicing and peeling
Gotta go…picking up socks from the church to mail to New Jersey…SOCKS FOR SANDY…with their having that nor-eastern inundating them with snow/wind, maybe we can help keep a few tootsies warmer…
May God bless them in and through this tragedy having been TORN UP by Hurricane Sandy.
Have a GREAT weekend everyone