They dance to any beat known to man...
We've spent thousands on getting their teeth straight...
and they can't have a get-together without FISH FACES!

Even the guys get in on it...birthday parties, Halloween parties...the event doesn't matter. It's all about the face poses...the most abnormal expression tends to be the most cherished...
They steal each other's hats or caps and begin taking on a new personality...they growl, jump up and down, posing as we take tons of pictures. They truly enjoy their time together, just being silly, loving life!
New faces also appear when they're not thinking about themselves...
when they challenge each other in GUITAR HERO!
...they chew on their lips, bite their tongues, raise their eyebrows and jump around the room while doing it all.
It seems something would get hurt, but they pull it off without a hitch!
And, in the end, the pics don't always have WEIRD faces...they sometimes have new faces...a trip to Disney World brought a fun time with KYLE XY (Matt Dallas).
What kind of funny face pics of family or friends do you want to share...to end the year with a laugh and an appreciation for EVERY MOMENT we have with friends and family??
(thanks Liddie, at 2nd Cup, for giving me the idea for this post...)
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.