1.Candy corn: Did you know...They are made in the same California plant with Jelly Belly jellybeans? :)
2. My first conversation with my spouse was while dancing the 'shag' --while cruising on the Robert E. Lee riverboat at Stone Mountain Park during a friend's 30th birthday party...don't remember what it was about other than we were having a great time dancing together!
3. I could be a vegetarian pretty easily...love beans, legumes and anything GREEN, ORANGE, RED, PURPLE AND YELLOW...go ANTI-oxidants!
4. I never dressed my pet in a costume but he had a DAPPER red and black sweater he'd put on each Christmas :)
5. Clapping games with girlfriends...I miss 'Miss Mary Mack'!
6. I won a trophy from Florida State University as "Best in Camp"
having completed Drum Major school...directing, mace/marching
techniques, whistle/voice
commands...it was one of the hardest weeks of my life but one of the most-fulfilling and exciting times as well.(this is not me in the picture but it's one of my favorite web images of a drum major...maybe I'll
scan my old pic and put it up sometime)
7. I'm one of those who doesn't want to hear Christmas music until AFTER Thanksgiving, thank you very much...we 'over-rush' our holiday seasons...it's October and I'm already seeing
Christmas decorations in the stores.

8. Haven't played many board games recently...as a teen my favorite board game was Candy Land.
9. Surprises are fun...a little embarrassing...but fun.
10. "I'm sorry" is easier for me to say than some other people I know. I sometimes don't like saying it but know I'm called to say it.
11. My favorite candle scent is anything that smells like something wonderful cooking in my oven...pumpkin spice, cookie dough, banana bread...I couldn't choose a favorite...and the kicker: I can't use them in my house because my husband has allergic reactions to SMELLS...(dd and I can only bring out our SCENTS when he's out of town)
12. My light snacks for visitors would be cheesy garlic shrimp/grits, ham roll ups and sliced veggies/crackers with dip. I'd share the latest senior pictures of dd...we might share pictures from hubby's visit to China and I'd end up showing girlfriends my latest 'knitting or crocheting' project while talking about our next youth group event.
Jer. 33:3
"Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."