Join me...intentionally read and listen for His perspective about this day...the only day I can influence...yesterday is gone--tomorrow may not come for me. Click on the link and read with me...Mr. Chamber's guidance from Jesus's teachings...MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST...
Couldn't you just hear Mr. Chamber's Scottish brogue ...spoken with rare insight and great expression. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT HIS REMINDING US TO BE 'ANTI-SELF'?
(ANTI-self...selfless, thinking of others first...Wow, How does that go over with today's world? TV commercials tell me to get the latest computer, taste greatness of the newest lite beer, immerse myself in the hookups and heartbreaks of people baring their relationships on 'shock' TV, like 'Jerry Bring-her" to the stage.) Who really has time for 'being still' these days? It is a action.
What did He say to you as you read the second paragraph? The picture of Mary pouring her MOST-precious onto the feet of God's Servant, pouring it all out in celebration of His sacrifice.
Measuring that up against my day's plans...grabbing a scoop of life to put memories into my bowl...will they be self-serving or self-giving? Jesus was trying to get the people to 'be still' and listen to what He was saying...He was about 'Saving' them from the world...hhhhmmm, that still applies today.

(photo: Dwelling in the Word)
What oil do I have to pour out for Him today:...could it be:
- smiles for the check-out cashier who looks as if she hasn't smiled in a month?
- a hug for the widow who lives next door that I have talked with recently?
- or my 'pouring my heart' out to Jesus with my own concern, 'bridled excitement' and emptiness I'm feeling with daughter being so far away in a new gift of 'presence' with the Lord is what Jesus wants FIRST.
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."