…and I know I am to be thankful for the weather my Lord has given me to be able to witness on my own, no matter what it is, how uncomfortable it might be or if it’s not to my liking at the moment.
There is certainly tons of things I SHOULD be doing out in the yard today…really.
But, let me share with you our dilemma of this time of year living on this longitude and latitude of this Great State!
Partly Sunny 90°
Real Feel® 99°(uuugh!)

Humidity: 51% (just sticky enough)
Cloud Cover: 35 % (not enough to keep the sun off)
Normal 86°
Normal 86°
Continuing to work inside in the air conditioning on those things NOT so stressful as pulling weeds or mowing grass, is my preference at this time. Washing laundry and vacuuming seem so menial when you compare them to the two labors previously mentioned.
Even though I am being productive, I’d love to surprise hubby with the yard being done before he gets home….hhhhmmmmm?
Using the social media to get the word out to some strong, youthful bodies out in the community who might like a little Summer ‘spending dough’ is the idea!
They'll be able to relate to $$ ... (kind of like Tina Parol when she sings,“Who’s got your money now?”
Using the social media to get the word out to some strong, youthful bodies out in the community who might like a little Summer ‘spending dough’ is the idea!
They'll be able to relate to $$ ... (kind of like Tina Parol when she sings,“Who’s got your money now?”

"I left you a note
Letting you know you're broke
Who's got your money now?
Letting you know you're broke
Who's got your money now?
So…I’m hopeful our strong, able-bodied youth will read my AD and ANSWER my plea…
The hubs would LOVE a newly-cut yard for this evening!