Joining Mrs. 4444s over at Half-Past Kissin' Time for some Friday Fragments!

Our quick trip to NC for a family member's funeral seems to have taken my energy.

Our quick trip to NC for a family member's funeral seems to have taken my energy.
Is it just me or do you also find that zooming up the road for six hours somehow removes power from one's body
For reals...I don't know if its an inertia thing or what, but it wears me out to travel in a car more than three hours.
-knitting rows on my never-ending shawl, napping a little and fumbling with my cell phone while playing WordsWithFriends, editing pictures and even FaceBooking
-NOTHING to see on the highways once out of each small town's limits.
-turned off the air and took in the wafts of local air b/c the temperatures were in the high 70s to low 80s.-happy to get out of the amoniated-bacteria stench from the low-lying myriad of chicken houses we pass early on our drive.
-smoke from locals preparing barbeque meat
-such a wonderful tease to get you thinking of stopping for lunch (which we enjoyed from Burger King...not exactly BBQ)
-unfortunately, no honeysuckle sweetness along the way
-really enjoyed the humidity-free air beating our eardrums with a steady rumble without the interference of music or unending talk radio.
-long stretches; bridges protecting us from the Southern swamp land off I95 brought older smells soaked through the old cypress immersed in the black water of the Lumber River.
(the city where the burial of our aunt would take place later in the weekend)
In the late 18th and the 19th centuries, the lumbering industries were critical to the region's economy. The Lumber River was a vital route for transporting 100-foot logs downriver to Georgetown, South Carolina. Lumberton, North Carolina served as an important turpentine and timber town. Lumberton is the county seat of Robeson County, located in southern North Carolina's Inner Banks region. Founded in 1787 by John Willis, an officer in the American Revolution, Lumberton was originally a shipping point for lumber used by the Navy, which was sent downriver to Georgetown, South Carolina. Most of the town's growth, however, began shortly after World War II.
-each mile driven brought us one mile closer to family to celebrate a lifetime spent in these lowlands.
We loved you, Aunt Doris, and pray Uncle Johnny will do fine until he sees you again.
John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."