Project 365 - Week 23
AS Susanne said on her blog,
“Sometimes treasures must be hunted to be found.”
Come read what each of us found in our ‘blessings basket’ this week...
Early in the week, I saw this posted on Facebook…
Something for each of us to read and follow (for their safety)
On Tuesday, I started a new ‘zig zag’ pattern shawl…it’s really easy and it’s been fun to knit while watching TV

This time of year, I LOVE to watch college women’s softball…
the super regional tournaments had taken place and the teams were headed for the World Series ….and my CollegeGirl’s school was represented, YIPPEE!!
Here we are ‘kicked back’ watching the first round of their playing…
Wednesday I got to catch up with one of my past ‘youth’…he is now working on staff with a mission organization teaching many college-aged students how to share love and Christ with the world…so proud of his ‘world’ traveling…he been to Texas, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Philippines, Pennsylvania, and soon to be in Arizona, I believe. He’s growly deeply in Scripture and he was quoting it to me as he explained what he’s been ‘teaching’. He’s got a heart to help ‘hard-to-reach’ people and he’s reaching them.
SOOOO EXCITED…the team we were cheering for WON the National NCAA Women’s Softball Championship! My heart dances each time I see this picture I made with my cell phone…
Lifting the National Trophy HIGHLY on the field of competition in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma after beating Oklahoma University!

My collegegirl came home last night…and I had FUN with her today…we went shopping at the biggest mall in the Southeast, went thrifting and bought some jewelry and tops, she got her hair trimmed and we enjoyed gyros for lunch!
I’ll post a pic later, but right now…she’s wanting to surprise some of her friends and didn’t want me to post pics.