“David also said to Solomon his son, ‘Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished. The divisions of the priests and Levites are ready for all the work on the temple of God, and every willing man skilled in any craft will help you in all the work. The officials and all the people will obey your every command.’”
(1 Chronicles 28:20-21).
Elaine was sharing the above scripture...and she asked some questions for herself...now I am asking myself.
Her exerpt:
What’s my take-away? How can this be applied to my heart in my today when it’s obvious that these verses were meant for those who would build the temple of the Lord nearly 3000 years ago? Here are a few thoughts I’m thinking:
- God is still building his temple, and he’s using my life, alongside the lives of other believers, as his building blocks.
- There is work to be done. I have been assigned as a co-laborer in that work.
- The work will require my strength, my courage, and my faith in the face of fear.
- God is with me in my work. He will not fail me nor forsake me.
- The work will be completed.
- There are others who are ready to help me in my work—others with the necessary tools, craftsmanship, and commissioning from God to bring about a completed work through me… in me.
My discussion with Him:
God, You were busy building Your temple in our session today.
You were reminding us of the responsibilities we have as Christians to stand up..be bold for our faith...in this environment of "leaving You out".
God, You were busy building Your temple in our session today.
You were reminding us of the responsibilities we have as Christians to stand up..be bold for our faith...in this environment of "leaving You out".
Lord, you've given me "special" God-given talents to be used in Your 'Heavenly' temple's completion. Forgive me when I've not used them as You've desired.
I've let myself become more weary...finding excuses...You already knew what I needed to say.
More time listening and obeying is what wanting me to do in this latest building phase.
Even though I moan my strength is less, You will provide a way in my obedience.
You want to give me the BEST...You loves me, You know me, and You understand EVERYTHING in me.
You want to give me the BEST...You loves me, You know me, and You understand EVERYTHING in me.
Why would I want to hinder Your 'steadily completing' each step as it rises toward You and God?
You will re-visit my lessons until my final transformation; and in my obedience of sitting with You, hearing You and then doing Your will, Your Living Word (You) jump off the page and into reality from my hands and in my heart.
Make radiant each temple is IN each of us, daily
As our Master Carpenter, continue leading us to complete our daily 'to-do' lists for Your Heavenly temple, for we are abiding in this foreign land.
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."