Five Senses Friday, usually at a lovely blog - Abby Try Again... find her blog HERE...
SEEING: A couple of weeks back we moved BabyGirl into her college apartment to begin her sophomore year….excitedly, she made wall art to decorate the shared living room…see the bird silhouettes…scrapbook sheets, free-hand tree limbs and black Sharpe's did the trick and slathered with Modge Podge
SMELLING: left—over coffee continuing to cool in my coffee cup.
TASTING: Newtons Fruit Thins (fig and honey)…2 gr/fiber, very yummy
FEELING: a little anxious if my BabyGirl decides to drive to Mississippi this weekend to visit friends…tropical depression #13’s brewing its way toward Louisiana…expected to turn hard right and head that way Sunday/Monday…don’t like the idea of her being on potentially flooding roads.

HEARING: the whir of my portable fan compete with the newscasters as they describe events and then Giada as she whips up fluffy meringues in her blender on Food Network.
Play along if you like…leave me your answers or link.
Have a wonderful Holiday weekend!