Week 29 with Sara and group...
7/15...SUNDAY, Driving home from NC, I pondered the daily lives of these two beautiful women (hubby's aunt on the left and his mom on right)
who find themselves in the category of 'lonely' these days, yet thankful they are in good health...at 95 and 86 years old, they look wonderful!

7/17: TUESDAY, With the BIG heat we've been experiencing, my portulaca has bloomed, and our grass needs cutting...AGAIN! ;)

This planter was given to us by my mother-in-law the year we moved into our home, 22 years ago now.
Below are the various bird houses I've bought at local thrift shops...can you find them all? I'll have to make another picture when the sun is in a different location...this is kind of hard to see. I believe there are five in this shot you should be able to see.

7/20: FRIDAY, Collegegirl and I pulled into the driveway AFTER visiting the salon for hair cuts, to see a box sitting next to the garage door...FLOWERS! They were from my sister-in-law.

7/21: We love looking at lake homes and dreaming of retirement: we drove all over northeast Alabama yesterday; focusing on Lake Weiss

first...the front looks small but it is much larger inside and has great bones...
three bedrooms and re-done bath upstairs, large master with his/her bathrooms on main floor, large sun room facing the lake...

outdoor kitchen, two out cabins, dock w/ slide, diving board, skidoo lift, pontoon deck, ski boat lift, are awesome!
Later, we drove over to the other side of the lake closer to the marina and saw this one:

2 guest rooms, a small office, large master w/ sitting room overlooking the lake
large screened-in back porch (length of the house with jacuzzi)
completely remodeled inside with hardwoods, new appliances…granite countertops throughout large-island kitchen and baths (with rustic-tiled showers)...
7/22: Due to unforeseen circumstances with my 'ever-changing' body these days, I woke up late and then hubs called me from church to go have lunch...I ate a turkey sandwich but he had ribs! Love those Spiced Right ribs!

John 8:31 "If you continue in my word, then you are truly Disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."