...but, please come vote for me and my mug...
Once upon a time, long ago (let's say ten years)...
there was a cotton-headed, blue-eyed, six-year-old princess in the land of crepe myrtles.
Daily this budding princess was escorted by the King (he likes this title) to her court for audience (care for the day was in order, you see).
Here in her "Prim-Rosey" court were many other budding princes and princesses...all seeking to learn courtly manners, proper protocol in those times of greeting your audience at your throne (although Queen Mommy said this should be in private...)
Throughout her vigorous day of learning, there was time for napping when one's eyes grew weary and "oh, so overdone" (out came the mats and down went the shades) But once sweet dreams of dancing jesters and masterful puppeteers had subsided, each royal-to-be would rise out of their slumber (running to the throne, quite often)
One day, the jester of court told the "royals" a plan for celebrating the Queen (I just "love" that part)
You, see, the jester wanted to instill a soft, understanding heart in the "royals" she was guiding, for she knew one day they would be ruling, scepter in hand and deciding her fate possibly (this is kinda scary)
Other jesters joined in and gathered up each and every one of the little loyalists, counting every head, and securing each in their own seat of the the larger-than-life coach waiting outside the front gate (how do you make a daycare bus sound romantic??)
Off to the land of "many shops and artisans" to make a special remembrance for the Queen on her day (did I mention I just "love" that part??)
Each jester helped guide the little lads and lassies as they busily painted their favorite colors onto plates and goblets, imagining the surprised faces of each Queen as she opened her "treasure" ('cause no matter how it looks, the treasure IS hidden under the love with which it was MADE)
Time had to pass as the relics had to be "fired" and cleaned...each one was delivered back to the "Prim-rosey Court" in precious boxes each heir could decorate with family seals...bold, royal colors to celebrate the Queen's day (are you beginning to enjoy this as much as I do??!!)
Each little royal proudly prepared their bounty and readied it for placement on the royal pillow for delivery to said Queen ... the days went quickly by, as they had many other lordly and lady-like things to learn (one can't have a ruler that can't spell, can one??)
Finally, one beautifully bright day in early May arrived and the courts were aflutter with activity, dressing for the occasion, and entertaining discussions with the King about where the momentous presentation would take place...oh, the royal recliner has received the nod for the event. The princess danced with excitement once the decision was made...she could envision the Queen's face! (Here's the good part...)
The trumpets sounded and the court came to attention throughout the kingdom (isn't that good?!; one day, maybe it will happen!)
Her gold and diamond-encrusted gown "swooshed" and swayed as it flowed over her "freshly mopped" foyer floor en route to her awaiting cushioned throne (extra pillows needed after the day of washing that foyer, you see!)
As the little princess knelt at her feet, she often would bounce up from the floor, finally helping with the "unwrapping" of the gift...just what had those jesters taught these queens-to-be?
As the box opened, the sunlight danced on the surface of the most beautiful, most treasured, most delicate, cup to behold...painted with the little princess's favorite colors, over and around, forming a collage of color, the likes the queen had never seen...
Here in the momentous magic of love between little and big, tear began to drop on the cup, knowing little hands had held and caressed it while preparing it for this day.
Hugs all around, hooray for the princess, she is growing to be such a lady...just look what she's done for the Queen (I still love that part!)
Later, in the calm of her chamber, the Queen knew there was a message on the cup...a message so dear, so private, it was masked under the beautiful, bright colors...but how could she find it?
She summoned her memory to call forward, "what would my mother have done?" see, she was a Queen of great knowledge and understanding, and she worked with her hands creating many things during her reign.
Yes, a memory sprang up...etchings, rubbings, we used to take charcoal and rub over unknowns to find "the answers" hiding underneath the color...
Quickly the Queen retrieved a sheet of paper from her writing table (off the kitchen counter)...
positioning it oh so carefully over the most colorful spot of the cup, she rubbed over the cup with her royal red pencil...back and forth, soon it will be here!!
And there it was...
yet always there...
just like their love between one another...
sometimes hidden under the tears...
sometimes hidden under the scoldings...
sometimes kissed on the forehead while falling off to sleep...

Go NOW, whether you're a pauper, a prince, or a grand dame and cast your vote for the love shown in my "cherished" mug for:
UGLY is in the eye of the beholder!
Undeniably Given Love, Ya'll