JOINING THE CROWD OVER AT SARAH'S FOR PROJECT 365...8/16 God has so blessed us with a new facility where we will be holding worship for our high school students...
wow, what powerful worship and praise. They were very intentionally listening as the WORD was brought to them after the singing and announcements.
8/18 - I was in the mood to have some fresh, yes, fresh green beans (that ALWAYS calls for Yukon golds to be chunked and put in the pot)...Do love ham-seasoned green beans?
Along with the beans, I had gotten fresh I cooked it down too. All that wonderful pot liquor has to be sopped up with cornbread, so into the oven went 12 cornbread muffins and the sliced tomatoes were waiting for them to make it to the table! >
It's also the beginning of our DISCIPLE program again at our church... Last year I took a class (Jesus In the Gospels)...This year, I'm facilitating again. It's always fun getting ready (buying new folders, pens, highlighters and small agape treats.) We'll be studying the prophets the first half of the school year, then dig into Paul's writings.
I've been diligent this week with working out...and I have to say I am a little disappointed because the pounds haven't been coming off...I know I'm getting stronger and breaking in a new med all at the same time. I must be more patient with myself, but it's still hard to stay positive...losing the weight is NOT my only reason for exercising. Have you had any exercise/weight lost challenges?
As a facilitator, I'm the timekeeper...not a teacher. I am a learner among learners ... so, I also have daily reading, pondering, notemaking to work into my schedule now.
Having recently taken the crocheted sandals and caps to the church, I have gotten new 'desert-colored' yarn to make a shawl to send to our "fighting troops" in Afghanistan...our group will be sending care packages to some of the troops. This is an easy double-crocheted slant stitch ... every 5 rows of single color, then I add my next color and do a row with both, then I drop the first color and only continue with the second color...I like the way it's making it look so far. I'll probably do a finishing edge with some type of scallop. Do you crochet or knit?
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, we've moved into our new area of the church,
which we grumbled over a few times because of misplacements and changes but we know it is a BLESSING and we don't want to grumble like God's people did in the desert. We are PRAISING HIS NAME for the blessings He's given and will be giving to these young ladies and gentlemen as we lead them through Bible study and worship. It's my week to lead the lesson for one of our small groups...and I've worked to prepare scripture cards for the teens to read (in case they forgot their Bibles which will be a time saver)...Second Chapter of Mark..."carrying a friend to be let down through the roof and healed of his sins and his physical disability."...
Have you helped 'carry' a friend this week?
Go see the other entries for Project 365...It's been a G0d-blessed week!!