Current date info | |
Today's date is: | Wednesday, May 19, 2010 |
Week of the year: | 20 of 52 |
Day of the year: | 138 of 365 |
Questions | ANSWERS |
1. What is one really fast, know-by-heart "go-to" meal to fix in a pinch? | Rice-a-Roni Jambalaya (low salt), shrimp, red beans, cumin and cilantro, canned diced tomatoes w/ mild green chiles |
2. What is one item you won't leave home without. (Purse and license do not count.) | Distance glasses and reading glasses…yes, I HAVE to have them. |
3. Where is one place you never tire of visiting? | The seashore…under an umbrella with a good book, sunglasses and my camera and a tall, cold drink taking in the sound of the waves and gentle seabreezes |
4. Share one factoid of your family's history. | My grandfather had many jobs throughout the years: farmer, mailman, and saw miller. |
5. Complete this sentence: "Once upon a time I ...." | …was fainting many times in a day; so I got to go to St. Joseph’s hospital at the age of 3 to have an EEG. The nurses were nuns who wore habits; I had never seen a nun before that day. It probably helped keep me occupied watching them…they seemed to glide across the floor. Anyway, they determined I had EXTREMELY low blood pressure and did not have epilepsy. I outgrew as I got older, but then later found out I had a slight heart murmur. |
6. If you could win a one year's supply of anything, what would it be? | Manuka Honey…a miraculous, God-given, honey able to right my wrong digestion issues, heal skin abrasions and sweeten my tea. |
7. "One quirky thing you may not know about me is ...." | bizarre, off-the-wall, weird…hhhhmmmmm: I like to eat wasabi on my sandwiches |
8. You have one dollar in your pocket. What will you buy? | Probably…something at the thrift store on a Monday…it’s half price day! |
9. "One thing that always makes me laugh is ...." | …getting to be with our youth and enjoying their spontaneity, especially on long bus rides. |
10. What is one thing you could do today to help yourself reach a personal goal? | Have my hair cut/highlighted before 100 or so people descend on our open house so the pictures won’t look like I just crawled out from under the refrigerator…which I probably just did do. |
11. What is one thing you could do today to bless someone else? | Smile and mean it |
12. What is one thing you're looking forward to soon? | My yard will be getting the ‘once over’ tomorrow…and it WON’T be me doing the work. Bushes trimmed, edging, lawn cut, trees trimmed, new pine straw…getting prettied up for graduation week |