echo, go over again, iterate, recapitulate, rehash, replay,resay, restate, retell...
whatever you want to call it...
this NEEDS to be said "again"!! Go here...
DON'T REMEMBER there being any ceremony involved...but, I did get a senior ring which is still in my jewelry box..although it doesn't fit on my ring finger I wear it as a 'pinky' ring.
Honestly, I don't remember if I had a party or not. One of my friends had a party at her house and I remember going there.
There was lots of fun training all the "candidates" who tried out to be the next drum major. This was serious stuff, like trying out for the mascot on 'Good Luck Charlie' when Teddy puts on a ram's head. Our "rites of passage" or "passing the baton" literally took two or three weeks of training and practicing all the 'right moves', learning the 'whistle commands', verbal commands, showed prowess at writing half-time shows and good decisions as a leader. I trained two candidates and the male of the two won out in the end after try outs.

My serious award in band was "the John Philips Sousa"'s in my office.
My daughter's chorus did 'fun' awards one year ... they awarded superlatives for many different categories...very outlandish types of things, which elude my memory...things kind of like 'most wrong notes' hit by a soprano...'last to arrive at Spring concert'...'most creative way to repair your chorus uniform' ...the awards were drawn on paper plates and then given to each recipient.
My Mom and I sent out graduation announcements but I don't remember how many or if they included a picture. DD and I sent out about 70 total, I believe...we had a lot of people to thank for getting her to where she is!

Our Baccalaureate Service was at a local church and we were all expected to be there...if you didn't attend it, you didn't march at graduation.
Our church may have listed us in a paragraph of the bulletin on Sunday, but I don't believe they printed any pictures. We didn't have too many people at our little church.
Our church NOW is much different ...we always have a senior banquet the junior class hosts after they've spent an entire day decorating our 'warehouse'. This year they had a 'survivor/LOST' kind of theme and they turned the warehouse into a jungle, with a fire pit, wild animals and the juniors were dressed in camo/khaki/jungle helmets, etc. It was too cute and the seniors enjoyed their trip to the jungle as their parent letters were being read and their baby pictures were being flashed on the 'big screen'.

As things were being torn down and put away, there was an opportunity to REALLY enjoy the chocolate fountain...I WANT this to be my NEW TRADITION :)
My tassel originally did hang on my rearview mirror of my vw bug...but, now it is hanging on my 'drum major' trophy from Florida State University. Both items hold a place in my heart
Many cards and letters came in with cash (is that legal?). Isn't it sad my brain can't remember any of the other gifts...I bet I have them listed in my 'senior book'...that is in the bottom of one of those boxes BS&K helped me move to the basement.
Jer. 33:3
"Call to me and I will answer you
and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."Blessings,