-car, airplanes, chair at work, napping in the car, etc...
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it's going to be 94* with a heat index of "Lord knows what"...
it has been horribly hot this week; so I find myself struggling to be thankful. maybe this heatwave is killing some kind of fungus or bugs...i can ALWAYS hope, God's ways are NOT our ways.
now, must go cut grass with the help of a breaking-the-door-down-to-get-to-the-lawn-mower "wanting-to-stay-in-bed-but-her-daddy-put-his-foot-down" 18-yo teen (who looks much better in her shorts than me, hahahaha).
oh, humiliation....goes alongside the embarrassment awaiting me once i've taken my turn mowing around the yard...i'll look like i've just jumped out of the neighbor's pool. (hey, that might be a GOOD idea)
can't i AT LEAST look thinner from all this VAPORING (you know, us southern peaches DON'T sweat) from the continual flashes?!!! THANKFUL is a good word for having the ability/means to cut the grass. there, i did it. sometimes being thankful is painful, too!
as barabara johnson said, "NORMAL" is just a setting on the dryer!!
here to tell you...NOT enjoying 'normal' these days.
HRT(hormone replacement therapy, which really should be named 'HER RECEIVING TORTURE') is NOT working.
flashes have calmed some--able to sleep at least 3 hours in a row last night;but, tell me, wouldn't you enjoy thousands of ants running around under your skin? surely this fun is too good to pass up? (it is just in my imagination though, some doctors have said so)
doctors, please excuse...you've worked hard trying to get less complaints in this struggle while being wonderfully compassionate. please come on over to my house and i'll give it to for an afternoon of your pituitary gland feeling as if it's swollen to its max just waiting for the opportune moment to blow out your frontal lobe in my body.
just sayin.
'pot' store today...the home d'pot', that is.
finishing my 'project' will be the goal after the yardwork. last week's $5 square trunk FIND from the thrift store is 'gradually' morphing (which did mean the downfall of the five white ducks on the blue background...they ARE NO MORE, bless their hearts, wah, wah, waaaaaaaaah!)
scrounging around in the metal cabinet in the garage proved beneficial...found multiple cans of spray paint; however, they weren't full...now they've run OUT of the good-color and a small investment must be put out for a new can.
once the trunk is complete, our strewn-behind-the-recliner throws will be in their new home.
so, what projects are being tackled at your home this summer?
What were meals like when you were growing up?
Simple Southern...very little frying due to my Daddy having a heart attack @ 34yo. Mama would "shake-n-bake" so we had some crunch.
Lots of veggies, fresh from Daddy's little garden...tomatoes mainly. We didn't have air conditioning, so summer foods were cold sandwiches, salads...didn't want to make the kitchen hot with the stove.
Did your mom (or dad) cook (and was it from scratch or from a box?) or did your family eat out much of the time?
Daddies cook?? Not in our house. He rarely even went into the kitchen, unless it was to FIX something broken, like the ice maker.
No, Mama used to hand deliver everything to Daddy...tea, peanut butter & cereal...he'd have a snack each night, hand-delivered to the couch in the den, of course.
Rarely did my mama ever get anything out of a box...scratch was her comfort zone...and I learned A LOT! And, her working so hard with the cooking, meant we ate it all; we didn't go out to eat much.
I remember what a BIG DEAL it was the first time we got to eat a ChickFilA sandwich AT THE MALL! In the early 70s our new Mall was THE PLACE to go. Malls were a NEW THING for us and then the WOW of that sandwich just put it over the top...it was sooooo good....but, they WERE $1.00 for a sandwich, so we didn't get them often.
A night out for us when I was growing up was stopping at the KFC on the way home from picking Daddy up from work...had one car and mama would get the car on Fridays to do grocery shopping. I loved Fridays...we'd get to stop for supper.
Did you eat together as a family or was everyone on a different schedule? What did you call meals? (Dinner vs. supper, lunch, etc.)
Suppertime was ALWAYS our tradition, still is...I've worked hard to ensure we sit at the table together--not answering the phone, this is when the machine gets USED.
We struggled with having specific suppertime during travel-ball softball seasons; but, even then, we'd sit together as families and have fund talking. I'm a TRUE believer in keeping supper discussions to POSITIVES ONLY...it is NOT correction time at the table.
Sunday lunch is called Sunday dinner. Period.
What were some of your favorite things that your parent fixed? What did you dislike and vow never to fix once you grew up?
My Daddy's ONE item he cooked...tbone steaks on Saturday nights. He made his own bbq sauce, sweet-savory, that he'd slather on the meat the last 5 minutes before he removed it from the grill...omgoodness, I still can taste the little bit of char mixed with that wonderful sauce.
Mother would always have fresh potatoes, laSeuer english peas, an a small side salad (with Green Goddess dressing as MY choice!)
My Mother's grilled boston butts were AMAZING...just above her roast and gravy(from scratch).
She'd make us saltine crackers, peanut butter, and marshmallows baked in the toaster oven for a quick snack...one of my favs, still!
And nothing says Summer to me like Watergate Salad...cold and pistachio jello, what could be better?
Watergate Salad
1 8 oz. tub favorite whipped topping (like Cool Whip)
1 3 oz. box pistachio gelatin
1 Cup cottage cheese (low fat, small curd)
1 8 oz. can crushed pineapple, drained
Combine ingredients, mix well. Pour into a gelatin mold; chill 1 1/2 hrs
Did your family have any food traditions, things that were a must on certain occasions (such as Sunday dinners or holiday meals)?
Lasagna on Christmas Eve...go figure. Sunday Dinner roast.
Did your parent teach you to cook or did you wing it once you were grown?
Mother taught me several baking recipes, like brownies, peanut brittle and I watched a lot. She has received phone calls from me multiple times throughout the years when my interpretation of some of the recipes were blurry...and I have many of her recipes in my box. We LOVE to share recipes and discuss ways to cut the fat and sugar these days.
How similar or different are your family's eating habits today than when you grew up?
Ours are very similar...it has been INTENTIONAL. Many families have GiVEN UP on even trying to make supper time together...that will be this country's downfall.
Joining Mocha with Linda!
If you can't understand my 'drawl', you can read below...
What sort of sayings, colloquialisms, or proverbs did your family say when you were growing up?
When were they used?
1...When trying to empathize with someone after they've made a mistake... or sometimes cattily commenting when you have nothing better to say but you still want to "put on airs" and "be nice", which isn't too nice, is it??
2...ANYTHING can be the object; I especially use it around the house when I'm trying to think of the 'real name of something' and it's just NOT coming from my brain to the tip of my tongue.
3...This term is used when the hammer slips and hits my thumb; when I've dropped another utensil in the kitchen (for the umpteenth time and am tired of bending over an picking it up). I used to say this enough on my first job that one of the managers I used to work along side nicknamed me 'goober' (which here in our part of the country can also mean 'peanut'; people used to ask me why he wanted to constantly call me a peanut, hahahaha!
hat do you find yourself saying that you vowed you would never say?
What do you say that drives your kids nuts?
Anything I say these days seems to hit nerves...then the rolling eyes, crinkled brows and an extrenmely gutteral, multi-syllabled "iiiiiii KNOOOOOOOOOOOWa, Mom"
Is there a regional aspect to your speech?
Are you kidding? You KNOW you sound somewhat 'different' when people from other places turn and say, "Would you say something Southern?"
Do you have an accent and were you ever teased about it?
Definitely have an 'drawl' or 'redneck lilt', whichever you'd like to call it...but, it's who I am and doesn't bother me too much unless I'm around a large number of 'ferners' who can't understand what I'm saying...then I have to enunciate a little more for them; even though they say we speak slower, I find I have to 'slow down' my speech for them to get it...hhhhhmmm. So I'm
thinking they're more SLOW listeners, hahahaha!
Gotta love Mocha with Linda for Flashback Friday! Y’all head over and join in on the fun!