We enjoyed visiting with friends to try a new 'chessmen' banana pudding I had made and wanted to share. After we 'yummed out' on the dessert,
we played SONG BURST and its goal: get your team's piece to the end of the board ... but you have to SING "the rest of the verse" that has been read to you partially off of a card.

We laughed A LOT, tried to sing, tried to make up lyrics...we really enjoyed it! Hubby WAS GREAT at it...our 50's/60's guru, he is!
We said goodbye again to DD...AGAIN...hahahaha! She's certainly enjoying her Summer (deservedly so, having worked so hard ramping up her rigor for college and bringing home straight A's her last semester, yayah!!!! She left with many others to go on retreat @ BIG STUF in Florida...a GREAT Christian retreat with thousands of teens and young adults (mainly).

Normal household things were my week...but I did get some cupboards cleaned out and new shelf liner put in place...makes for exciting pics...yeah, right! My camera battery had died...I was sooooo busy, I never had a chance to re-charge the battery and take any shots. hahahaha
More chores and a visit to the antique store was fun...but no purchases, bummer. I did get to visit BS&K's house and water her garden and various plants while they were away enjoying THE WEST and ALL God's creation.
It was strange being at her house without her...and without Buster wanting to play catch or bring me his chewie. All was well and her veggies are continuing to grow in her gardent...many little tommy toes getting ready for her to return home :)
Groceries and birthday party shopping for a friend were the activities of the day. Pork ribs were an exceptionally good deal, as well as some skewered shrimp, so that's the plan for the 4th.
DD returned home safely and chattering away about what all occurred during the retreat. I love hearing all about her time at BIG STUF each year.
Laundry and wrapping the birthday present. Are you just bowled over with the excitement around here?!!
The pencil sketch of the SPANISH STEPS in Rome DD brought back to me from Italy is now matted and framed...it turned out sooooo pretty and now to find a place to hang it. I'm thinking it is going to go in the dining room on one of the smaller walls.
We feasted at a barbecue dinner (chicken, pork, slaw, baked beans, various petit fors, watermelon slices) for a friend turning 50.
Imagine...(that battery STILL hasn't been charged)
...a very large crowd, a very large, beautifully-landscaped yard,
a very large olympic-sized pool void of kids,
flickering tiki torches amidst the pines, screen doors, sporadic breezes,
blue and purple hydrangeas and magenta crepe myrtle galore,
shorts, flip flops and brightly-colored sun dresses,
white wicker rocking chairs, a black lab and a perky jack russell playing ball....
what FUN!