LAST NIGHT I concocted one of THE BEST dinners I've EVER made...
REALLY...Hubs said so, too!
They don't look great but they were certainly HIGH on the taste chart.
Having 'leftover bbq'd pork tenderloin' in the fridge, I wanted to stuff some fresh poblano peppers I had bought recently @ "H*Marty" (our newest Asian market)...This store has some "what-a-Jawja-girl-might-call" weeee-uuurd things; however, I am learning a lot about Asian foods and their veggies are WONDERFUL)!MY-Concocted Stuffed Poblanos
Wash 3 poblanos then (w/gloves, cut t-shape in front of pepper, de-vein/-seeds), dry and sit to side. Combine next 7 ingredients in medium bowl.
- 1/2 pound chopped pork tenderloin
- 1/2(cornbread stuffing packet)
- 1eg, beaten
- 1 can, chili-ready tomatoes
- 4oz.shredded cheddar cheese
- 1-2tsp, cilanto & cumin
- 1 tbsp. olive oil Stuff mixture into peppers, securing pepper’s cut edges with toothpicks. (Spray skillet or add ½ c. canola oil to iron skillet...let it begin heating).
Gingerly (tenderly with your hands...you will get 'gooey')...dip stuffed peppers into batter…letting excess drip off.
Lightly pan-fry in skillet with cooking spray or deep-fry, if you don't mind the extra fat/calories...I litely pan fried mine.
After browning, place in casserole dish and FINISH cooking in a 350* oven, 30 minutes.
(It was deeee-lish with my other 'leftover speckled butter beans', white rice seasoned with Sazon Tropical seasoning, and a dollop of sour cream)
(you'll note my pictures don't show the peppers completely covered in batter...that's because I had a VERY HORMONAL moment and FORGOT to combine the last three ingredients to MAKE a batter.) I mistakenly just rolled them in egg and dipped in my flour mixture. (As I was cooking them, I was wondering why the coating kept coming off them)...this is SOOOO embarassing :(
You'll make the batter first and then start the dipping...you won't make my mistake.
Motivation*… Next week's post will show evidence of filling THE BOXES used for DAUGHTER's college move-in with most of the things 'hanging out' in this room 
(I've been able to ignore it b/c of all the OTHER changes taking place this Summer).
Anyone else have an ALLERGY to dust?? Wearing a mask'will, for sure, be in my future as well as taking an antihistamine before starting work.
Even though there will be suffering BEHIND my fashion statement of a mask, my lungs and nose will be appreciative of not adding to their current predicament (see above*)
Does anybody want to share a copy of CHICKEN SOUP FOR AN EMPTY NESTER'S SOUL? I'd like to read it as we 'transition' into our empty nest...
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."