And...here we go!
And...here we go!
And...here we go!
1. You do your thing; I do mine and sometimes _I want to do your thing with you_.
2. _My college freshman driving two hours to her girlfriend's house_ is what's been on my mind on and off all day.
3. Remember when _most families had time to eat dinner with each other_.
4. _Praying with my accountability sisters, working on my newest 'knitting' project and eating salsa with soy crisps(more protein/no carbs)_ are three of my favorite obsessions
5. During the last year _God's been teaching me more about 'sitting still and knowing He's got my back'._
6. _Seeing previous youth in our community accepting Jesus and raising their families under His guidance certainly_ puts a smile on my face.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _grilling marinated swordfish in our smoker_, tomorrow my plans include _dropping off several bags at the local GoodWill_ and Sunday, I want to _get a nap(because the politicians haven't been calling as often...thank you, Lord_!
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."