JOINING SARA for Week 30. Here's my week:
7/17: Every three years I get to enjoy 'fasting' for my 'procedure' made for an interesting lunch with friends at STEAKnSHAKE
I enjoyed every sip of Coke and every saltine cracker, weeeeeee!
(no pic but still a fun time with BS&K and Mr. BS&K)

7/18: Procedure day started at 4:45am (for may last step before heading to the doctor's office)...thank goodness it was very early (that way I won't have to be so hungry for so long).
After signing in, I had to breathe in patience while giving my complete history to the LPN, she tagged me (like those big bucks you see on National Geographic TV so they can be tracked by scientists).
Putting all my belongings in a bag after undressing, I got to warm up the gurney while repeating my information to the assistant anesthesiologist, and yet again to the actual anesthesiologist once in the 'sterile' room.
Thinking for sure I was done with my mantra of myself, I soon discovered I was going to get to repeat it all again to the attending nurse while my Dr. re-read my file and bid me a 'good morning'. (Let's just say I REALLY felt safe in knowing they all KNEW me and my body.)
p.s. All was good with the test; no polyps or fissures...12 years cancer free ;)
7/19 (no pics)

7/20: Enjoyed driving to Braselton to meet my sissy and her 2 grandchildren at the city' municipal building...we were going to see Ronald McDonald do a show celebrating the summer reading program.
Little bit ate his bottle while the kids were finding their seats in front of the 'stage', so he was ready to enjoy Ronald when he walked out from behind his 'tent'.

While sitting on the sidelines with sissy and Ryan, I was waving at Katie to raise her hand so Ronald would call her up to do some magic tricks with him...and he called on ME! hahahah
I got to do some tricks with him, then he had me choose a helper (and I HAD to choose Katie to come help me.)
We used a marker and filled in a poster with the things we learned from Ronald...Katie is holding it in the now hangs in the library.

After the show the library hosted a quick ice cream and cake party where they handed out the 'summer reading program' certificates...little bit wouldn't get any ice cream (I think this shot is appropriate for how he must have felt about that).
He did take the rest of his bottle and even started napping before they drove home.

7/21: Since I had not had my 'normal' Monday thrift day, I took some time see what was available this week.
There were many interesting fabrics rolled up...varying in price from $1.91-$3.00...each packet had about 3 yards of material...and a couple of packets were actually valances.
I'll post the projects I complete with these pretties later.

7/22: Started knitting up some 'leftovers' from my 'bag of threads'. This will end up being 3 or 4 colors because I'm almost out of the turquoise and brown.

7/23: Hubby was busy with some of his buddies today and Skoot went to the lake with friends, so I had a Saturday afternoon to myself. After cleaning grout in showers and washing 2 loads, my tootsies were due for some tender-loving care.
What things kept you busy this week? Come show us, just click on the button at the top and it will take you to Sara's ;)
Jer. 33:3 "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know."