Outside my window...squirrels and cardinals are fighting over the sunflower seeds in the bird feeder hanging from the lip of my back deck…it’s getting dangerous out there.
I am thinking...I need to be exercising, or beginning yet again, to adopt a better ‘moving’ lifestyle.
I am thankful...my baby girl-college-2nd year has safely returned to her college town; and she’s spending this weekend at a weekend leadership retreat for her 'on-campus’ faith community.
In the kitchen...is some fresh potato salad and barbecue pork we will be enjoying for supper tonight, yum!
I am wearing...less now than when I got out of bed…my sweat pants were warm in the cooler night but I can’t stand having their ‘heat holding’ properties wrapped around me as I do small housekeeping.
I am creating...a new Red Heart ‘corner-to-corner throw’ which will be turned in to our prayer shawl ministry later next week…it has diagonal stripes as I crochet doubles, singles and slip stitches.
I am going...to early Sunday School and worship (where we are study 'witness')
I am wondering...where my girl is on her retreat, she didn’t tell me where they were having their weekend meeting...is she cold?
I am reading...an Ann Rivers Siddons book right now, but I can’t recall the name of it (as it is on the breakfast table and I’m not getting up at the moment to go check its title…sorry)
I am hoping...the weather stays colder for more days rather than bouncing in and out of the 60’s; my flashes increase with the warmer weather.
I am looking forward to…hearing about baby girl's weekend retreat…who she met, what they did, what she learned, what it was like (where ever she is)...can you tell she's on my mind a lot today!
I am learning…how to use double-pointed knitting needles as I work on more complicated hats/socks…it’s tricky to hold four knitting needles in place and working the stitches, but I’m getting there slowly.
Around the house...hubs has been working on computer updates and some hardware changes. I’m eager for his getting completed, because it is going to be soooooo much better dealing with printing and editing issues.
I am pondering...when to have my car emissions inspection done…and praying it will go uneventfully.
A favorite quote for today: “Don't bother to give God instructions; just report for duty.”― Corrie ten Boom
One of my favorite things...is finding a deal at my local thrift store; I’ll be posting pics of my latest find later this week.
A few plans for the rest of the week: bible study, prayer shawl ministry work, and checking out a newly-discovered thrift store north of here.
A peek into my day...includes an early-morning coconut latte and fiber-plus oat cereal for breakfast then leftover teriyaki chicken for lunch (while I washed a load of darks while watching the war out my back window...)