Week 5.
I reallyenjoy walking to the mailbox and breaking out in a sweat in the middle of winter do want there to be MORE Winter
I really
we need some freezing temperatures to get rid of the majority of INSECTS who will devour our flesh if we don’t have colder temperatures
…and I’d love to host two or three days of snow, to cover up the GRAY.
But…today it is in the high 60s and I’m in shorts and a sleeveless top. in the meantime, here’s part of my week…(don’t you want to play along with us, too? you can click on sara’s widget above to get over to the hosting site.)
We enjoyed celebrating a birthday for someone close at Papadeaux’s, where we enjoyed cajun/creole dishes and split a dessert of ‘fresh key lime pie’…and once home, I captured this little guy on my back feeder ;D CLICK THE PIC FOR A LARGER VIEW 1.30.2012
Have you ever seen a TUFTED TITMOUSE? If not, here’s one that was helping himself to my sunflower seeds. They’re one of my favorites…their calls can be a harsh, scolding zhee zhee zhee but their song is a loud, whistled peto peto peto or wheedle wheedle wheedle.
Grocery shopping I often find tedious and uneventful, unless I should happen up on a friend…I guess you could say I happened up on a ‘different kind’ of friend pretending to be a car, hahahah!
Wednesdays are usually one of my busier days; however, the County had a different idea in mind for me this entire week.
Wednesday ended up being the ONLY day I was called to the courthouse, where I did make it into a 10-person panel for a specific Judge; however, she came out in her robes and notified us of their having reached some understandings and NOT needing to proceed with a jury trial.
Even though our ‘designated Judge’ was finished with us, the County made us stay an additional hour and a half until they had determined that the other 3 sitting Judges that day were no longer in need of ‘additions/replacements’ for their cases…we even got released for the remainder of the week 
Today my birdfeeder has been a ‘warzone’ between the house finches, wrens and sparrows…
This family of House finches made a day of it…
…adolescent male house finch
Adult Male male house finch…
…Adult Female House Finch
praying you’ve enjoyed your week, so come along and play with us over at sara’s…she’s a great hostess!