I'm "eager" to one day sneak up on some "buds" that will be announcing future color...for a view of how far they've come, go here: http://skirkman.blogspot.com/2008/07/simple-womans-daybook.html
As I watch I'm "more eager"...not anxious, mind you...."eager" to see what color God is going to give me in each petal that He brings forth later this month.
Have you ever noticed people on television and/or in conversations saying things like, "I'm so anxious, I can't wait!"...huh??? Language Arts was one of my best and favorite classes. Were your teachers like mine? Did they teach you that words actually do have meaning and we each should know how and when to use APPROPRIATE words. So,
"Welcome to this addition of LAOnline 101, My names is Ms. Skoot and I would like to clarify the differences between two words that are COMMONLY flipped. By the end of this class, I am eager for you to be anxious no more in your proper use of each word..."
"As mentioned in previous posts, dictionaries are wonderful reference tools and help us clarify pronunciations, spelling, word forms and definitions. The definitions are usually followed by synonyms (words having same or nearly same meaning) for even further clarification. I successfully found anxious and eager at dictionary.com since I started with a "general knowledge" of how to spell them--aren't you glad I saved you this step in our lesson today?"
Assignment 1: Read the definitions and synonyms below; note: jot found information in your notebook if these words are a struggle for you to remember, there may be a quiz.
anx·ious [angk-shuhs]–adjective full of mental distress or uneasiness/fear of danger or misfortune; greatly worried; solicitous: Her parents were anxious about her poor health. Synonyms: disturbed, fearful, uneasy
"Congratulations! You have passed your LAOnline 101 "Magna Cum Laude", for you have achieved grades above the average , so you get a tassel!

Now... take your knowledge into the world--represent us here at LAOnline 101 proudly as you PROCLAIM and HENCE FORTH FROM THIS DAY FORWARD use the words "eager and anxious" correctly.
The bell just rang, you're dismissed for today...but come again, soon, ok?
(Sniff, sniff, wipe, wipe) I'm so proud of you!!!"