As I gaze upon this picture, it speaks about June 14, 1947 (from atop of Stone Mountain)--my parents were celebrating their marriage that day...Having endured World War II, he returned home at the age of 21 to wed my mother who had turned 15 on her last birthday.
He had left for the war immediately after his graduation and spent three years in the jungles of Luzon Island in the Philippines-- while my mother was still in high school playing basketball, even though she was probably the shortest one of the team! He was raised helping his daddy run a country diner/gas station and my mother was helping her mother raise her four brothers and older sister. It was her sister who introduced her to my daddy...you see, her sister couldn't date alone, so she had to have her little sister tag along to the movies.
It was the beginning of a 44-year marriage held together by "the Lord's love"...my mother always gave herself and her days to the Lord, and later in life, my father came to know the Lord when they retired back to Alabama.
Ours was a loving, happy home and I will always be grateful for their love, their sharing their love by having us, their showing my friends love and teaching my sister and me how to love our Lord and seek His ways!
Anytime I climb Stone Mountain, I think of my parents' beginning there and I smile.
But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children-