Monday, July 28, 2008

PLANNING....ho hummm :\

Just for fun...and any guys or girls(like me) who enjoy baseball (and food)...

Published: The Sporting News (1981), Unknown (1906)

My sermon today, said Reverend Jones,is baseball and whence it came.
Now, if you take the Good Book and you take a good look,you will find the first Baseball Game.
It says Eve stole first, Adam second; Solomon umpired the game.
Rebecca went to the well with a pitcher,And Ruth in the field made a name.
Goliath was struck out by David —A base hit was made on Abel by Cain,
And the Prodigal Son made a great home-run. Brother Noah gave checks out for rain.
Jonah wailed — went down swinging. Later he popped up again.
A lion-drive by ole Nebuchadnezzar made Daniel warm-up in the pen.
Delilah was pitching to Samson, When he brought down the house with a clout,
And the Angels that day made a double-play, that's when Adam and Eve were thrown out.
Ole St. Pete was checking errors, Also had charge of the gate.
Salome sacrificed Big John the Baptist, who wound up ahead on the plate.
Satan was pitching that apple And looked as though he might fan 'em all,
But then Joshua let go a mighty blow And blasted one right at the wall.
And then the Lord wound up and took good aim, a
nd started the very First Baseball Game.
And, now we all know the way that the game was begun,
and to this very day — It's still Number One!

It's a long story so I won't begin to tell you how I got from baseball to my meal planning. But I did combine the two for today.

I'm trying to get on base in the ballgame of feeding my family; and I'm hoping I'll hit a home run sometime this week. Here's what the coach has put on the roster for the first "7 innings"--any other "innings" will be considered extra innings, so the rookie and team manager will be on their own to seek out leftovers in the dugout- fridge or locker-room freezer!

Monday broccoli-roll-ups, cheesy-potato-skins
Tuesday Caribbean-nut-crusted-fish, greens-grain-salad, banana-split-cake
Wednesday Easy-layered-Italian-meatloaf, mashed pot., green beans
Thursday Chicken tacos, refried beans
Friday chicken-Parmesan-bundles, salad, grain toast
(I get a lot of my recipes from Kraft Foods at: )

Ecclesiastes 9:10 "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going,there is neither working nor planning..." But, hopefully, baseball!