I have to tell you...my camera's been giving me fits ever since I dropped it in the sand 
on the beach during Spring Break...it won't stay on...I push the button to turn it on and the lens extends but then immediately closes.
Guess I'll have to get it looked at or put a new battery in it over the next several days.
Sporadic is a good word to use in describing my commitment in keeping up with my Project 365-- but here are a few new pics to get me back up to speed.

DD worked last week watching several friends' babies during a small-group meeting/prayer time for our "birthed" church. Some of our beloveds are going there now...and it's wonderful to catch up with them through her work there.
I see her through "different eyes" as I look at this picture...realizing how grown up she already is to those little ones.
They look up to her as their caretaker. (DD LOVED her baby sitters when she was their age...she still talks about them. And guess what?, some of her babysitters are now the mothers of these little ones...isn't that neat??!!)
DD, in the red t-shirt, didn't know her mother would get to see this picture... seeing her diligence and love for them as she cuddles and attends to their needs.
They were enjoying their Easter Egg hunt goodies...those little ones will one day be as big as DD. I love knowing and seeing she is teaching them a legacy of her own.
(side note: I just saw some of these same kids and their aunts/mamas on the late news...having just attended a baseball game!!)

I snuck in a picture on Easter Sunday...a head shot is better than none, I guess...although not TOO flattering.
It was chilly here, and DD had on a hoodie over her pretty peach-colored sun dress. Things are much more practical now that she's older...not too long ago, she would have never worn anything over her dress that didn't "match".
I was enjoying a new dress from a local boutique, too! It doesn't really show in this picture, however, the weight is slowly coming off thanks to "30x5 rolling on" and my "WW endeavors"...why do I always get so impatient? I know if I'm diligent, it will be safer and my new choices will be much better.
I so enjoyed the visit from my babies, Ben and Faith and Mommy Erin...I so miss having them in this area. They've grown so much and can eat at the table without a lot of help.
We enjoyed playing with some of the toys I keep in the basement (for these special visits) and I absolutely loved tickling that little tummy of Faith's as she squealed and giggled.

She enjoyed climbing up into the recliner with me and then sliding down the foot rest...she's a climber, indeed, and keeps her Mama guessing where and what she'll do next.

With backpack in place, he was ready to go when Mama was putting things into the car for the long ride home. It just seems like yesterday when DD and I went to the hospital when he was born and just look at how grown he is...he looks like he's heading to school...hold on, Mama, it'll be here quicker than you think!
WELL, we have a winner in our 200th post GIVEAWAY...

I did a random roll of the electronic dice (for real)...and the number that came up was:
(so, the 5th person to post was FAYE from "Just Something Nana Made"!! I'll email you to get the "shipping" ball rolling so you can receive your new BIBLE PROMISES book!)
Thanks to ALL for your comments
and for celebrating my 200th with me!

on the beach during Spring Break...it won't stay on...I push the button to turn it on and the lens extends but then immediately closes.
Guess I'll have to get it looked at or put a new battery in it over the next several days.
Sporadic is a good word to use in describing my commitment in keeping up with my Project 365-- but here are a few new pics to get me back up to speed.
DD worked last week watching several friends' babies during a small-group meeting/prayer time for our "birthed" church. Some of our beloveds are going there now...and it's wonderful to catch up with them through her work there.
I see her through "different eyes" as I look at this picture...realizing how grown up she already is to those little ones.
They look up to her as their caretaker. (DD LOVED her baby sitters when she was their age...she still talks about them. And guess what?, some of her babysitters are now the mothers of these little ones...isn't that neat??!!)
DD, in the red t-shirt, didn't know her mother would get to see this picture... seeing her diligence and love for them as she cuddles and attends to their needs.

(side note: I just saw some of these same kids and their aunts/mamas on the late news...having just attended a baseball game!!)
I snuck in a picture on Easter Sunday...a head shot is better than none, I guess...although not TOO flattering.
It was chilly here, and DD had on a hoodie over her pretty peach-colored sun dress. Things are much more practical now that she's older...not too long ago, she would have never worn anything over her dress that didn't "match".
I was enjoying a new dress from a local boutique, too! It doesn't really show in this picture, however, the weight is slowly coming off thanks to "30x5 rolling on" and my "WW endeavors"...why do I always get so impatient? I know if I'm diligent, it will be safer and my new choices will be much better.
We enjoyed playing with some of the toys I keep in the basement (for these special visits) and I absolutely loved tickling that little tummy of Faith's as she squealed and giggled.
She enjoyed climbing up into the recliner with me and then sliding down the foot rest...she's a climber, indeed, and keeps her Mama guessing where and what she'll do next.
With backpack in place, he was ready to go when Mama was putting things into the car for the long ride home. It just seems like yesterday when DD and I went to the hospital when he was born and just look at how grown he is...he looks like he's heading to school...hold on, Mama, it'll be here quicker than you think!
WELL, we have a winner in our 200th post GIVEAWAY...
I did a random roll of the electronic dice (for real)...and the number that came up was:
(so, the 5th person to post was FAYE from "Just Something Nana Made"!! I'll email you to get the "shipping" ball rolling so you can receive your new BIBLE PROMISES book!)
Thanks to ALL for your comments
and for celebrating my 200th with me!