Would you like to visit New Zealand and laugh today?
It's so much fun "finding" friends around the world...(can't get much further around the world than New Zealand...physically on the other end of the sphere from us.)
One day I want to visit New Zealand, Christchurch, specifically. My boss of 16 years at BellSouth often stated "in all his world travels, Christ's Church was the most gorgeous place on earth".
When I stumbled across ScrappySue's blog from Wellingtontown I was excited to see glimpses of "her world" from "down under"...Do they call us "up above" when referring to North America...it is the opposite term, right??!!
Yesterday's vow promised to encourage ...
so, I encourage you to click on ScrappySue's video...it's definitely worth the 3 SECONDS!!
I'm still laughing--Years ago I almost did the very same thing at my desk in my shorthand class back in high school. (Many may not even understand "why" this is so funny...aaaaahhhh, today's youth..."returns" are only at stores, right??! : )
Watch it and then leave a message describing what comes to mind.
Any memories of technology gone bye-bye?
Or funny incidents in gone-by days?
You might even remember an office "gag" someone played on you...would enjoy hearing your remembrances.
Take a good look at me, God, my God;I want to look life in the eye,
So no enemy can get the best of meor laugh when I fall on my face.